Combined Clubs Sunday Series
The Combined Clubs Sunday Series is a series of races organized by Middle Harbour Yacht Club (MHYC) and Manly Yacht Club (MYC) in cooperation.
An invitation is extended to all eligible boats to participate in the Combined Clubs Sunday Series (CCSS) Category 7 inshore racing competition conducted in and around The Sound of Sydney Harbour under PHS, IRC and ORC handicaps. Eleven races will be conducted over seven summer Sundays with the specific intent to include boats from other clubs to improve overall competition.
This series includes:
- 5 passage races
- 2 sprint days consisting of 3 windward/leeward races each day
For MYC Club Championship participants, the 5 passage races of the CCSS comprise 5 races of the 10 race Club Championships series. The other 5 races are conducted solely by MYC and are listed in the Club event calendar. Note also that entry to the MYC Club Championships entitles the entrant to the CCSS, so if you wish to compete in both, use the entry to the MYC Club Championship. Use the link below only if you wish to enter just the CCSS only.